
Tempe Artificial Turf. How To Do Fake Grass Stain Removal

You can keep your lawn looking great all year long with minimal effort and effort required by using artificial grass. However, even though artificial grass needs less upkeep than natural grass, it still needs regular care to keep it looking and smelling great.

Accidents will happen on your fake grass at some point, and depending on the stain, they may be difficult to remove. Some examples of these include grease and motor oils.

It's best to avoid accidents or clean up your pet's waste as soon as possible to avoid unsightly stains. Artificial grass installation pioneers Luxury Turf have shared their best practices for keeping their grass looking pristine.


How to Keep Your Artificial Grass in Tempe, Arizona, From Getting Marked Up

Artificial grass should be kept as far away as possible from areas where engine maintenance and handyman repairs are being done. Also, be mindful of your footing to prevent these pests from entering your lawn.

Of course, what if it has already happened? Then, unwind because Luxury Turf is here to provide direction and support.

Pet urine, cola, blood, tea, and coffee are everyday household spills that can be easily cleaned up from artificial turf.


To clean synthetic grass in Tempe, Arizona, follow these steps:

We need to hurry. The sooner the stain is removed, the less chance there is of it setting and spreading into the surface.

  1. To remove as much of the mess as possible, use paper towels. Scented cat litter can absorb the spill as well.
  2. Remember that you should only blot or dab spills; never clean them! Doing so will make you from spreading the discoloration further.
  3. Then, make a mild cleaning solution by combining water and dish soap.
  4. Using a spray bottle to apply this solution directly to the stain is a gentle method for removing the stain. Try mixing in a 3% ammonia solution for a more powerful cleaning.
  5. Once you're done cleaning, spray the area off with a garden hose.
  6. Mineral spirits effectively remove stubborn stains such as motor oil, ink, grease, and suntanning oil. After that, you'll need to repeat the soaking and remove processes from earlier.


Cleaning Synthetic Grass Of Dog Urine

Artificial grass, like natural grass, allows the soil to percolate through it and into the ground below. Even the dog feces!

If you have animals, get fake grass that is pet-friendly. These grasses are naturally antimicrobial and discharge quickly.

  1. Dogs are creatures of habit, and they always eliminate in the same spot. This makes the cleaning process by limiting the search for pee to a single area.
  2. As dog urine can leave urine on synthetic grass, it is essential to wash it off daily.
  3. Mixing equal parts vinegar and water effectively eliminates unpleasant odors.
  4. If unsure, it's best to water the grass daily to keep it healthy and clean. If you have synthetic grass installed, Luxury Turf can suggest the best methods for maintaining it clean and stain-free.


Installers Of Artificial Grass In Tempe Can Help You Remove Stains More Easily

If you want artificial grass installed in your backyard or a putting green building without having to worry about stains, Luxury Turf is the company to call.

You can contact Luxury Turf here, and a staff member will be in touch. In addition, you can complete the minor form below if you need a quick response.

In addition, you can check our backyard artificial grass installation photo gallery.

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